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Pubs of Dublin Scratch Off Poster

Pubs of Dublin Scratch Off Poster

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Track how many of Dublin’s pubs you’ve enjoyed a pint at with this scratch-off poster! From the Boar’s Head to the Toners Pub, there are 20 different venues for you to work your way around. Perfect for those who want to explore Dublin’s rich history in a uniquely thirst-quenching way, simply use a coin to scratch off each one once you’ve managed to get a round in there. A unique way to commemorate your trip to the Pale!

Additional Information

Suitable for Ages 18+

Includes: 1 x Poster

Track how many of Dublin’s pubs you’ve enjoyed a pint at with this scratch-off poster! From the Boar’s Head to the Toners Pub, there are 20 different venues for you to work your way around. Perfect for those who want to explore Dublin’s rich history in a uniquely thirst-quenching way, simply use a coin to scratch off each one once you’ve managed to get a round in there. A unique way to commemorate your trip to the Pale!

Additional Information

Suitable for Ages 18+

Includes: 1 x Poster